Project Portfolio
RHMC has a successful history bringing projects from start-up to completion.
Our portfolio reflects the hard-work, commitment, and creativity our team delivers.
The following content offers a description of each project’s development and design process.
If you are looking for rental information of the buildings we manage, please visit Properties.
Project Manager.
RealHomes Management Corp.
2016 - 2019
73,000 sqft mixed use
84% residential, 16% commercial
Development Process.
In 2016, the founder of RHMC hoped to expand its development footprint to the Peninsula community, having raised a family there.
The township of Sidney was a welcoming place to both affordable housing projects and the founder’s other dream: providing commercial space for an Early Childhood Education and Care facility.
Design Elements.
The exterior is striking due to the large prodema wood panels with morse code cut out, which reads:
Together we are an ocean.
In addition, there is a corten steel plate at the lobby entrance stating,“You’ll never walk alone,” and an east-facing 5-storey hardi-board panel stating, “Aranza.” The roof line of the commercial ground floor real estate has beautiful wooden accents to echo the township’s aesthetic, as well as the seaside where you will find the curved wooden amphitheatre and beach driftwood trees.
Long-term Intentions.
The commercial space includes an Early Childhood Education and Care centre, Lulu’s. This space was purposefully built from the beginning of development; RHMC wanted to ensure an essential service geared towards families was included in the housing complex.
In addition to the ECEC centre, an additional commercial real estate space completes the ground floor of the Aranza. These commercial spaces create more viability and resiliency to the business model supporting this development.
Project Manager.
RealHomes Development Corp.
2014 - 2017
70,119 sqft mixed use
70% residential, 30% commercial
Exterior Design.
Development of the Azzurro’s architectural features began with consideration to the curve in the street it would front on; that curve became part of the building’s exterior framework with the use of the Oriel in the boxed bump out on the Azzurro’s top Northeast corner.
In addition, the design team looked to maximize the view with the addition of West- and East-facing decks for floor three. A common area deck was also included to allow tenants without decks to share in the scenic vistas towards downtown, the Sooke hills, and, on some clear days, the ocean.
Mixed Use.
The Azzurro was our team’s first mixed-use development, with two floors of commercial added to the footprint for two core purposes.
First, the commercial real estate allowed for community-building opportunities; bringing vibrancy at street level to the neighborhood. Second, the 22,000+ square feet of commercial space helps support the financial model driving the long-term viability of our affordable housing initiatives.
Project Manager.
RealHomes Development Corp.
2011 - 2014
5 Townhomes;
2000 sqft each
A Purposeful Project.
The five townhomes were constructed to generate the capital required for the 35-39 Gorge East affordable housing development. Without the revenue from these units, this project’s land acquisition and long-term fiscal strength was not possible.
In order to complete this purpose-driven development, this project had to achieve the city’s first successful airspace parcel rezoning application, paving a path for future developers to densify their projects.
And A Family Tribute.
The name Rae Mews is a dedication to the Developer’s grandma, whose middle name, Rae, is coupled with Mews to honour her love of cats.
It was fitting for this building to be sited in her grandma's old neighborhood. And if you were to fly overhead, this project’s footprint combines with The Loreen’s to spell "Lu," her first name.
Project Manager.
RealHomes Development Corp.
2011 - 2014
Residential housing;
65,000+ sqft.
Community Buy-in.
With the support of the Burnside-Gorge Community Association, the City of Victoria, and the neighborhood, we were able to rezone and develop our second project along Gorge Road.
The previous landowners, Mr. Gill and Mr. Bal, and their families donated $150,000 towards the cost of the project; a generous act integral to breaking ground and successfully completing this development.
Design inspiration.
Inspiration for this building came from a visit to the developer’s children’s homes in Vancouver.
On a street corner at 33rd and Main Street, a new development reminded her of a combination of Brownstone architecture and 1930s stucco two-storey walk-ups in Beacon Hill Park, with their colourful facades and their street-front stoops.
Building a street presence for greeting neighbours and experiencing community became an important piece of all future developments.
A new model.
To fund this project, a new model was necessary. The developer presented a unique solution: the inclusion of an airspace parcel with a separate townhome development to raise the required capital.
The subsequent five townhomes sold were integral to the overall viability and sustainability of 35-39 Gorge Road East.
Project Manager.
RealHomes Development Corp.
2009 - 2012
Residential housing;
50,350 sqft.
The First Build.
The Loreen marks the first build of our founding team. With the rising cost of living, the developer felt a change was needed in how developments were structured, both operationally and financially. Long-term stewardship of housing initiatives became her goal.
The project was geared towards supporting housing opportunities for a generation struggling to get ahead; where rental costs were becoming a barricade to tenants moving into the homeowner market. Set in a community framework, it became integral to RealHomes’ team to support tenants’ financial well-being, as well as their mental well-being since stable and affordable rental costs engender a sense of security in our homes.
Development + Land Acquisition.
From the beginning, this project took on a life of its own. The journey included handshake land deals, multilateral agreements, ground-breaking financial backing, and overwhelming support from the neighborhood.
The Gorge Neighbourhood.
The waterway is where the founder/owner of RHMC has family roots. They fondly remember visiting the Gorge homes of grandparents, extended families, and friends.
This neighbourhood is rich in history and people: from the old motor hotels that welcomed new family members from across the country who came to join their loved ones to the recreational and competitive swimming and boating activities to the parks, paths, and playgrounds that have entertained generations.